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PM90SettingsAPI Namespace
All Print Manager Plus API classes and methods reside within this namespace.
Public classDayTimeRange
Represents a Range of time within a single day.
Public classPMBalance
Presents a balance, current value and settings for a user object
Public classCode examplePMBalanceUpdate
An update to a specific balance on a User, Group or OU
Public classPMBalanceListExtensions
Balance List Extensions
Public classCode examplePMEnvironment
Represents the installed environment of Print Manager Plus on one or more servers
Public classPMGroupOUBalance
Presents a balance, current value and settings for a group / ou object
Public classCode examplePMPageSize
Represents a paper size
Public classPMPageSizeOverride
Represents a page size cost that has an overidable properties allowing override of the default on a specific printer or cost profile
Public classCode examplePMPrivacy
Represents global privacy settings for PMP
Public classCode examplePMService
Represents services installed on a server or workstation